Perioperative glucose control after implementation of a new perioperative diabetes protocol.
Author: Melissa Adams, MD
Co-Author(s): Robinson K, Heidel E, Snyder C.
Measurement of hemostasis by thrombelastograph (TEG) during therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest.
Author: Christina Nelson, MD
Co-Author(s): Craft R, Langdon R, Dudney T, Aslam K, Johnson J, Heidel RE, Snider C, Buck T.
Cardiovascular Diseases
Evaluation of the 1-year mortality in patients undergoing a positron emission tomography myocardial perfusion imaging (PET MPI) in the hospital setting.
Author: Mitul Afiniwala, MD
Co-Author(s): Litton K, Amin S, Heidel E, Wortham DC.
Implementing ACGME milestones in pathology through innovative use of the UT Center for advanced medical simulation.
Author: Lucy E. DeFanti, DO
Co-Author(s): Hubbard EW, Duncan LD, Nodit L.
Emergency Medicine
Landmark-based versus ultrasound-guided femoral venipuncture in the Emergency Room.
Author: Debjeet Sarkar, MD, Adrienne O'Connell, DO
Co-Author(s): Lamsen LN, McAbee B, McHardy J.
Family Medicine
Agenda setting in primary care residency office.
Author: Katherine R. Hall, MD
Co-Author(s): Roe B, Jeter J, Higdon R.
Impact of sports medicine in-training exam scores on final certification exam pass rates.
Author: Kabir D. Harricharan Singh, MD
Co-Author(s): Asif I.
Association of scholastic performance and post-concussion severity scores in college athletes: A prospective cohort study.
Author: Thomas R. Terrell, MD, M.Phil, Benjamin Roe, DO
Co-Author(s): Heidel E, Bostick R, Bennett E, Galloway L, Cantu RC, Barth J, Edwards J.
ECG screening does not cause undue anxiety in athletes undergoing pre-participation evaluation.
Author: Mallory Irwin, MD
Co-Author(s): Drezner JA, Price D, Jenkins J, Lett A, Johnson S, Harmon KG, Asif IM.
Body image perceptions as a marker for eating disorders in competitive athletes.
Author: Allison M. Schafer, DO
Co-Author(s): Doolan AW, Asif IM.
General Dentistry
Treating the medically-complex patient: A general dentist’s guide.
Author: Nhi Joy Ho, DMD
Etiology, detection and management of enamel hypoplasias and hypocalcifications.
Author: Pallavi Dhingra, DDS
Review of oral manifestations of systemic disease.
Author: Tim Johnson, DDS
General Surgery
Quetiapine for delirium prophylaxis in high-risk critically ill patients.
Author: Matthew Abraham, MD
Co-Author(s): Hinds M, Jeffcoach D, Giesler D, Tayidi I, McMillen JC, Hamilton L, Daley B, Bollig R, Lawson C.
Comparative analysis of iterative reconstruction techniques versus point spread function reconstruction in radiological assessment and subsequent surgical treatment strategies in melanoma PET/CT.
Author: Kyle L. Kleppe, MD
Co-Author(s): Stuckey A, Acuff SN, Syed M, Yong B, Lewis JM, Osborne D.
Pediatric trauma response times in a collaborative model.
Author: Stephen Tonks, MD
Co-Author(s): Jeffcoach D, Rasnake N, Tuggle D, Vaughan G, Daley B.
Androgen deficiency influences matrix metalloproteinase expression and intimal hyperplasia development after vascular injury.
Author: Brian Freeman, MD
Co-Author(s): Mountain DJH, Brock TC, Chapman J, Kirkpatrick SS, Arnold JD, Stevens SL, Goldman MH, Freeman MB, Kl.
Massive transfusion in the elderly trauma patient: Should it be done?.
Author: David Jeffcoach, MD
Co-Author(s): Gallegos JJ, Gandhi S, Daley S, Bollig R, Daley B.
Too many beers - the effect of falls in the elderly.
Author: Melissa Prather, MD
Co-Author(s): Jeffcoach D, Barlow P, McMillen J, Winings N, Hamilton L, Langdon R, Daley B.
Isolated limb infusion is feasible at lower volume regional cancer centers.
Author: David Jeffcoach, MD
Co-Author(s): Freeman M, Lewis J.
The impact of a targeted CDI intervention on the documentation patterns of surgery residents.
Author: David Jeffcoach, MD
Co-Author(s): La Charité T, Barlow PB, Powell C, Phillips M, Goldman M.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Accuracy of the lamellar body count in amniotic fluid contaminated by meconium.
Author: Meredith Fields, DO
Co-Author(s): Towers CV, Howard BC, Hennessy MD, Wolfe L, Weitz B, Porter S.
The use of prostaglandin E1 in peripartum patients with asthma.
Author: Megan Rooney Thompson, MDÂ
Co-Author(s): Towers C, Howard B, Hennessy M, Wolfe L, Heitzman C.
Transplacental passage of vancomycin from mother to neonate.
Author: Cheryl Onwuchuruba, MD
Co-Author(s): Towers C, Howard B, Hennessey M, Wolfe L, Brown S.
Early diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) in patients with elevated Body Mass Index (BMI).
Author: M. Suzanne Brown, MD
Co-Author(s): Upadhyaya NB, Howard BC, Rodriquez H, Heidel E.
Treatment of myofascial pain and dysfunction with onabotulinumtoxin A in patients with chronic migraine encephalalgia.
Author: Nathaniel G. Wells, DMD
Co-Author(s): Hudson JW.
Treatment of osteomyelitis: An alternative minimally invasive approach to this surgical disease.
Author: Michael D. Foster, DMD, MPH
Co-Author(s): Hudson JW.
Differentiating between metastatic and inflamed cervical lymph nodes for the preoperative staging of patients with oral/head and neck cancer using 18FLT- and 18FDG- PET/CT..
Author: Benjamin J. Schlott, DMD, MD
Co-Author(s): Carlson ER.
Is the traditional TNM staging system for breast cancer still relevant in the era of biomarkers and emerging personalized medicine for breast cancer - an institution’s 10 year experience.
Author: Jason Chen, MD
Co-Author(s): McLoughlin JM, Heidel RE, Bell J, Panella T, Orucevic A.
Breast cancer in elderly women - an institution based study of correlation between breast prognostic markers and overall survival.
Author: Matthew Curzon, MD
Co-Author(s): Geddam C, Desai P, Heidel RE, Panella T, McLoughlin J, Bell J, Orucevic A .
Transfusion of out of blood group platelets with high isohemagglutinin titers: Should an antibody titer screening protocol be implemented at UTMCK?.
Author: Rahul Dawane, MD
Co-Author(s): Christopher C.
Investigating the rate of malignancy in thyroid nodules only meeting SRU criteria for biopsy and the associated economic impact on healthcare dollars.
Author: Lindsay Luttrell, MD
Co-Author(s): Rule K, Neveu M, Stanborough R, Murphy C, Barlow P.
Comparing diaphragmatic ultrasound with chest radiography in patients with clinical suspicion for diaphragm paralysis.
Author: Matthew Layman, MD
Co-Author(s): Naqshbandi S, Rule K, Dudney T, Schriver E.
Safety and efficacy of combined micropuncture and AXERA femoral access.
Author: Chris Kolze, MD
Co-Author(s): Bourgeois AC, Bernard D, Kvamme P, Findeiss L, Ferrell A.
Ridiculously simple method for gallbladder identification in hepatobiliary scintigraphy.
Author: Mumtaz Syed, MD, PhD
Co-Author(s): Bourgeois A, Bradley Y.
Comparison of Continuous Bed Motion (CBM) image quality to standard Step and Shoot (S&S) techniques.
Author: Mumtaz Syed, MD, PhD
Co-Author(s): Osborne D, Acuff S, Bradley Y.
Use of a novel waveform-matched respiratory gating technique with continuous bed motion PET for precisely matched functional to anatomical imaging.
Author: Mumtaz Syed, MD, PhD
Co-Author(s): Osborne D, Acuff S, Bradley Y.
Insight on the clinical significance of Baastrup’s disease: A multimodality review of 862 patients.
Author: Austin Bourgeois, MD
Co-Author(s): Boyd J, Campbell P, Pasciak A, Bradley Y.
The local deposition method provides simplified post-radioembolization yttrium-90 dosimetry with comparable accuracy to dose point kernel convolution.
Author: Austin Bourgeois, MD
Co-Author(s): Bradley Y, Pasciak A.
Simulation-based educational curriculum for lumbar puncture to improve operator confidence and efficiency.
Author: Austin Bourgeois, MD
Co-Author(s): Hudson K, Faulkner A, Bradley Y, Heidel E, Pasciak A.
Improved accuracy of minimally invasive transpedicular screw placement in the lumbar spine with 3-D stereotactic navigation: A review of 599 consecutive patients with meta-analysis.
Author: Austin Bourgeois, MD
Co-Author(s): Faulkner A, Gash J, Bradley Y, Barlow P, Pasciak A, Reid W.
Most granulomatous lymph nodes do not harbor metastases.
Author: Joanna Blankner, MD
Co-Author(s): Nodit L, Yong B.
Sports Medicine
Mechanisms for sudden cardiac death in endurance athletes: Support for exercise-induced arrhythmogenesis.
Author: Erik Berger, MD
Co-Author(s): Asif I, Jesty S, Johns S.
Surgical Critical Care
Internal staff surge during mass casualty event preserves other hospital resources.
Author: James M. Corder III, MD
Co-Author(s): Rasnake N, McNutt K, Smith S, Enderson B, Daley BJ.
Transitional Year
Tissue histiocyte reactivity with CD 31 is comparable to CD 68 and CD 163 in common skin lesions.
Author: W. James Tidwell, MD
Co-Author(s): Googe P.
Elimination of pelvic computed tomography for renal cell carcinoma follow-up: A clinical, safety and cost analysis.
Author: Kyle Basham, MD
Co-Author(s): Bienvenu JM, White WM, Pickens RB, Klein FA.
Single center outcomes after implementation of difficult urethral catheterization team.
Author: Ryan C. Owen, MD
Co-Author(s): Moss JL, Beddies JW, White WM, Waters WB, Klein FA.
Vascular Surgery
Comparative analysis of polymers for siRNA delivery in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Author: Lindsay Bools, MD
Co-Author(s): Mountain DJH, Kirkpatrick SS, Arnold JD, Stevens SL, Goldman MH, Freeman MB, Grandas OH.
A case report of fibrinolysis upon rewarming from therapeutic hypothermia.
Author: Thomas J. Christianson, MD
Crashing on bypass with two peripheral IVs: The benefit of immediate and continuous chest compressions on neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest at induction for emergent CABG.
Author: Mary Ellen Graham, MD
Co-Author(s): Hosking M.
The anesthetic management of a super morbid obese patient for cesarean section.
Author: David Dahl, MD
Co-Author(s): Mobely E.
Negative pressure pulmonary edema with superimposed fat embolism syndrome: The value of the differential diagnosis.
Author: David Graham, MD
Ketamine infusion for the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome.
Author: Melissa Adams, MD
Co-Author(s): Staack JB, Langdon JR.
t-PA administration for pulmonary embolism after spinal anesthesia.
Author: Brian M Adams, MD
Co-Author(s): McConville P.
General Dentistry
Dental emergencies in the general dentist’s office.
Author: John Coulter, DDS
Internal Medicine
Treatment of rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis with posaconazole.
Author: Asha Pathak, MD
Co-Author(s): Buzzeo M, Smith R.
Leukostasis in the setting of an unexpectedly low blast count.
Author: Sarah Latif, MD
An unexpected case of leukostasis.
Author: Christen V. Fleming, MD
Co-Author(s): Rasnake M.
Sarcoidosis-associated erythema nodosum or infectious dermatitis?.
Author: Sarah Latif, MD
Co-Author(s): Rasnake M.
A case of amiodarone induced pulmonary toxicity.
Author: Charles Allderdice, MD
Co-Author(s): Norwood D.
Hemoptysis after 17 years.
Author: Dhanu Bhat, MD
Co-Author(s): Modi D, Shamiyeh J, Dudney T.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Hormone replacement therapy induced polycythemia: A case report.
Author: Megan Rooney Thompson, MD
Co-Author(s): Elder R, Lands R.
An ovarian carcinosarcoma presenting with elevated production of alpha-fetoprotein.
Author: Cheryl Onwuchuruba, MD
Co-Author(s): Kimball KJ, Kilgore LC.
Groove pancreatitis: A brief review of a diagnostic challenge.
Author: Karyn De Souza, MD
Co-Author(s): Nodit L.
Primary cutaneous CD30 positive T-cell lymphoma with adalimumab therapy.
Author: Chad Hruska, MD
Co-Author(s): Bertoli RJ, Young YD, Googe PB.
Improved intralesional microsphere penetration with the surefire anti-reflux catheter: A case report.
Author: Austin Bourgeois, MD
Co-Author(s): Faulkner AR, McElmurray JH, Bradley YC, Pasciak AS.
Transitional Year
Recurrent epithelioid sarcoma with dermal neuromas in Turner’s syndrome patient.
Author: W. James Tidwell, MD
Co-Author(s): Googe P.
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