The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville

Office of Continuing Medical Education

Tenth Annual Hematology Conference: An Update on Selected ASH Topics

John E. Sullivan, D.D.S. Endowed Lecture:

Diagnosis and Management of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries


April 22, 2015
The University of Tennessee Medical Center
Knoxville, Tennessee
CDE-certified for Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) credit

Directly provided by the UT Graduate School of Medicine Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Shahrokh C. Bagheri, D.M.D., M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.D.
Georgia Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery
Chief, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Northside Hospital
Clinical Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Georgia Health Sciences University
Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery
Emory University



Who Should Attend

This course is designed for oral surgeons and dentists. Dental assistants and other healthcare professionals are also welcome to attend.

The John E. Sullivan, D.D.S. Memorial Endowment was established at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine by friends, colleagues, students and others to recognize Dr. Sullivan's contributions and his many years of dedicated patient care and devotion to teaching. Earnings from the endowment support visiting lecturers for the biennial Sullivan Lecture.

Course Overview

Through discussion with the appropriate educational committee and the intended audience, competent patient care of peripheral trigeminal nerve injury in oral surgery and dentistry has been identified as a need for continuing dental education in our region.

The provision of all types of dental care routinely and necessarily involves maneuvers and instrumentation in close proximity to the peripheral branches of the second (maxillary, V2) and the third (mandibular, V3) divisions of the trigeminal (fifth cranial, TN) nerve, the principal provider of sensation to the oral cavity, teeth and associated mid- and lower facial structures. Even with the best of care and despite modifications of techniques to reduce risks, injuries to peripheral branches of the TN, especially those of the V3 (lingual, LN; inferior alveolar, IAN; and mental, MN) are an everyday concern to the dentist.

In many instances, the patient who sustains a TN injury as the result of dental care is a source self-doubt, soul-searching and stress for the responsible practitioner. Often lost in the tension of the moment is what to do next and how to go about it in a timely and efficient manner that is in the patient's best interest. While this situation is often a source of frustration and intimidation, the dentist is obliged to care for the patient in a forthright manner. How and when to do that is the subject of the proposed lecture.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this program the participant should be able to

Registration Fees

Early Registration (through April 8, 2015)
$150 Oral Surgeons and Dentists
$75 Other Healthcare Professionals

Registration (after April 8, 2015)
$175 Oral Surgeons and Dentists
$100 Other Healthcare Professionals


Approved PACE Program Provider
Approval does not imply acceptance
by a state or provincial board of
dentistry or AGD endorsement.
1/1/2014 to 12/31/2017
Provider ID#219450

AGD credit is accepted by the Tennessee Board of Dentistry for re-licensure credit.  Participants licensed outside of Tennessee should check with their licensing board.

This program has been awarded 6 continuing dental education hours.

Support The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine

The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine
1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 | 865-305-9290

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