The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville

The Department of Family Medicine

Scholarly Activity

Current Publications

Mihelic MF.
A quantum logic gate in the DNA deoxyribose moiety. Proc. SPIE . Quantum Effects and Measurement Techniques in Biology and Biophotonics, 128630B (13 March 2024);

Mihelic MF.
Emergent potential of the terahertz cmos microprocessor. Proc. SPIE. Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XVII, 128850N (11 March 2024);

Dabbs W, Bradley MH, Chamberlin SM.
Acute asthma exacerbations: Management strategies. Am Fam Physician. 2024 Jan;109(1):43-50.

Grabeel KL, Burton SE, Heidel RE, Chamberlin SM, Wilson AQ.
Utilizing the newest vital sign (nvs) to assess health literacy at a regional academic medical center's family medicine clinic. J Patient Exp. 2023 Dec 11;10:23743735231219361. doi: 10.1177/23743735231219361. eCollection 2023.

Olewinski L.
We should oppose policies based on false science or distorted evidence with the potential to cause harm. Br J Sports Med. 2023 Oct;57(20):1284-1285. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-106946. Epub 2023 Jun 22.

Mahoney K, Heidel RE, Olewinski L.
Prevalence and normalization of stress urinary incontinence in female strength athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 2023 Mar 17. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004461. Online ahead of print.

Bradley M, Humpherys D.
Diary of a family physician. Am Fam Physician. 2023 Feb;107(2):198.

Eberman LE, Winkelmann ZK, Crossway AK, Lopez RM, Nye EA, Rogers SM, Walen DR, Olewinski LH.
Sports medicine physicians comfort and competence in caring for transgender and gender nonconforming patients and athletes. Clin J Sport Med. 2023 Jan 1;33(1):33-44. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000001067. Epub 2022 Sep 8.

Vanterpool SG, Heidel RE, Snyder K, Keil T, Contreras C, Hartman A, Higdon R, Jeter J.
Developing and validating a novel tool to enhance functional status assessment: The Tennessee functional status questionnaire (TFSQ). J Am Board Fam Med. 2023 Jan 27:jabfm.2022.220261R1. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2022.220261R1. Online ahead of print.

Coles S, Dabbs W, Wild S.
Pharmacologic management of chronic pain. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice. 2022 Sep;49(3):387-401.doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2022.01.005. Epub 2022 Aug 27

Kemmet RK, Blake GH, Heidel RE, Wilson GA.
Milestones as a faculty development tool for career academic physicians. Fam Med. 2022 Mar;54(3):207-212. doi: 10.22454/FamMed.2022.700483.

Eudaley ST, Brooks SP, Jones MJ, Franks AS, Dabbs WS, Chamberlin SM.
Evaluation of student-perceived growth in entrustable professional activities after involvement in a transitions-of-care process within an adult medicine advanced pharmacy practice experience. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2022 Feb;14(2):193-199. doi: 10.1016/j.cptl.2021.11.032. Epub 2021 Dec 27.

Maples JM, Zite NB, Oyedeji O, Chamberlin SM, Mastronardi AM, Gregory S, Gatwood JD, Hohmeier KC, Booker ME, Perry JD, Moss HK, Kilgore LC.
Availability of the HPV vaccine in regional pharmacies and provider perceptions regarding HPV vaccination in the pharmacy setting. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Feb 24;10(3):351. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10030351.

Oyedeji O, Maples JM, Gregory S, Chamberlin SM, Gatwood JD, Wilson AQ, Zite NB, Kilgore LC.
Pharmacists' perceived barriers to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination: A systematic literature review. Vaccines. 2021 Nov 19;9(11):1360.

Eudaley ST, Dabbs WS, Chamberlin SM.
YouTube as a guide for Respimat® Soft Mist™ inhaler technique. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 021 Feb;34(1):40-43. Epub 2019 Jun 23.

Current Presentations

Gee, K, Cloyd J, Robinson K, Peeke J, Daley B, Smith L, Heidel E, Mannino E, Webb M, King S, Griffith M, Savoy R, Baljepally R. Determinants of cardiac risk in geriatric trauma: A prospective analysis with nomogram in a regional level 1 trauma center. Presented at Tennessee American College of Surgery 2024; 2026 Aug - 1; Chattanooga, TN.

Saxon GM, Dabbs W, Chamberlin S, Jeter J. Do ask, do tell, do act: Application of an EMR tool to improve quality of sexual history taking and access to services. Presented at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine; 2024 May - 4; Los Angeles, CA.

Lewis S, Dabbs W, Chamberlin S. Do it for the 'gram: Utilizing social media for recruitment in the virtual era. Presented at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference; 2024 May - 4; Los Angeles, CA.

Stewart K, North C, Dennis G, Morgan R, Kemmet R . Utilization of sports medicine clinic within a student health center. Presented at American Medical Society for Sports Medicine; 2024 April - 12; Baltimore, MD.

Dennis G, Olewinski L. Uncommon traumatic injury in an elite cyclist. Presented at American Medical Society for Sports Medicine 2024 Annual Meeting; 2024 April - 12; Baltimore, MD.

Maher J, Olewinski L. Surprising diagnosis of hip pain in a multisport athlete. Presented at American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting 2024; 2024 April - 13; Baltimore, MD.

Mills D, Bell T, Olewinski L. Socktober fest. Presented at American Medical Society for Sports Medicine ; 2024 April - 12; Baltimore, MD.

Maher J, Olewinski L. Surprising diagnosis of hip pain in a multi-sport athlete. Presented at American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; 2024 April - 13; Baltimore, MD.

Dabbs W, Stevens A, Bradley M. Using powerpoint templates to increase the efficiency of the CCC. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians 2024 Residency Leadership Summit; 2024 March - 25; Kansas City, MO.

Bradley M, Dabbs W, Stevens A. Connecting ilps and the CCC: Innovative resident assessment. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians 2024 Residency Leadership Summit; 2024 March - 25; Kansas City, MO.

Dean KL, Corwin CJ, Hoffmann M, Moser MR. Innovative strategies to improve parenting of trauma-impacted children in foster care. Presented at International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 39th Annual Meeting; 2023 Nov - 1; Los Angeles, California.

Lamsen L , Kemmet R. SIM gym: Bedside procedures for family physicians. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Students; 2023 July - 27; Kansas City, Missouri.

Lamsen L , Kemmet R. Introduction to bedside ultrasound: The new stethoscope. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Students; 2023 July - 27; Kansas City, Missouri.

Lamsen L , Kemmet R. Cracking the code (blue): Gather your code team and let's play! Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Students; 2023 July - 27; Kansas City, Missouri.

Huang C, Kemmet R. Introduction to personal finance management. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Students; 2023 July - 27; Kansas City, Missouri.

Wietrick E, Olewinski L. High velocity puck impacts hurt but injuries may not limit play Presented at American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, annual conference; 2023 April - 28; Phoenix .

Maher JM, Olewinski L. Lost in anterior translation Presented at 2023 American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; 2023 April - 29; Phoenix.

Coles S, Dabbs W, Wild S. Combating misinformation and conspiratorial thinking: The role of family medicine. Presented at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference; 2023 April - 29; Tampa, Florida.

Dabbs, WS. Increasing parity and faulty satisfaction with a snake draft to assign didactics Presented at AAFP Residency Leadership Summit 2023; 2023 March - 3; Kansas City, Missouri.

Easton KL, Stubbs C, Billings C, Bowers K, Stephenson S, Greenacre CB, Anderson DE, Crouch Dl. In Vivo Hopping Gait Characteristics of Rabbits having an Implanted Muscle-Driven Foot-Ankle Prosthesis: A Preliminary Study. Presented at Research Symposium; 2022 September-12; Kissimmee, FL.

Maples JM, Mastronardi A, Chamberlin S, Onaade O, Zite NB, Moss H, Booker ME, Kilgore LC. Provider assessment and recommendation for HPV vaccination across different patient age groups. Presented at Tennessee Public Health Association Annual Meeting 2022; 2022 September-27; Franklin, Tennessee.

Maples JM, Mastronardi A, Chamberlin S, Onaade O, Zite NB, Moss H, Booker ME, Kilgore LC. Provider knowledge about TennIIS and using it to increase vaccination among eligible patients. Presented at Tennessee Public Health Association Annual Meeting 2022; 2022 September-27; Franklin, Tennessee.

Easton KL, Stubbs C, Billings C, Bowers K, Stephenson S, Greenacre CB, Anderson DE, Crouch DL. Muscle-Driven , Implanted Foot-Ankle Prosthesis: Preliminary in Vivo Biomechanics. Presented at Annual Meeting; 2022 August-25; Ottawa, Canada.

Coles S, Dabbs W. Combating Misinformation and Conspiratorial Thinking: The Role of Family Medicine. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students; 2022 July -28; Kansas City, Missouri.

Graeff D, Olewinski L. Atraumatic Ankle Pain Misdiagnosed as Anxiety in Nonathlete College Student. Presented at American College of Sports Medicine; 2022 May-31; San Diego, California.

Olewinski L, Morgan R. Care of Transgender Athletes. Presented at Collegiate Athletic Trainers’ Society 2022 Spring Symposium; 2022 May-26; Las Vegas, Nevada.

Brown SR, Dabbs W, Krajnc V. Ask your doctor if podcasts are right for you: Leadership lessons learned from 7 years of AFP Podcast. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians Annual Chapter Leader Forum; 2022 April-28; Kansas City, Missouri.

Olewinski L. Policy and Legislation Affecting Transgender Athletes. Presented at American Medical Society of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Mainstage Presentation; 2022 April -12; Austin, Texas.

Bradley MH, Mitchell S, Pabst E, Dabbs WS. Teaching Continuity OB in 6 week Family Medicine Clerkship - Can it be done? Presented at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education; 2022 January-26; Virtual.

Snyder K, Keil T, Contreras C, Hartman A, Heidel RE, Allen P, Higdon R, Jeter J, Vanterpool S. Tennessee functional status questionnaire: A novel tool for functional status assessment. Presented at American Society of Anesthesiologists Conference; 2021 Oct 9-13; San Diego, CA.

Dabbs W, Hutchinson K, Olewinski L, Chamberlin S. Stop beating yourself up! Transforming M&M to implement continuous quality and practice improvement. Presented at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement (Invited Lecture); 2021 Sep 13-15; Virtual.

Brown SR, Anderson J, Coles S, Dabbs W, Espinosa K, LaBruzzo K. American family physician podcast (sort of) live! Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians Virtual National Conference (Invited Lecture); 2021 Jul 28-30; Virtual.

Mihelic FM. Magnetic vector potential manipulation of Majorana fermions in DNA quantum logic. Presented at Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XIII meeting; 2021 Apr 12-16; Virtual.

Mihelic FM. Implications of the quantum DNA model for information sciences. Presented at Disruptive Technologies in Information Sciences V; 2021 Apr 12-16; Virtual.

Wilson GA. Implementing approachable faculty development for academic physicians. Presented at American Academy of Family Physicians Residency Leadership Summit; 2021 Mar 4-6; Virtual.

Book Chapters

Olewinski L. Transgender athlete sport inclusion polices: The current state. In: The Transgender Athlete: A Guide for Sports Medicine Providers. Elsevier: 2023, Chapter 9, p. 117-145.   


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The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine
1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 | 865-305-9290

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