Preston Medical Library offers instruction classes in a variety of topics, please see our instruction schedule to sign up:
Learn the basics of searching and using CINAHL, the premiere nursing bibliographic database.
This class provides an overview of quality resources for consumer and patient information. Learn more about Consumer Resources on the Internet.
With the explosion of information in medicine, no clinician can know every thing. Using evidence-based medicine tools made available through the Preston Medical Library, you can answer your clinical questions, and get to links and references to useful support materials.
The Library no longer offers this class, but classes are available at the Knox County Public Library.
Learn about the powerful tools available from the library for finding electronic journals, and for linking to full text from major databases such as CINAHL and PubMed.
Learn how to use Google Docs to store and share your documents, and to access them from anywhere.
Google Scholar brings the powerful, easy to use search capability of Google with peer-reviewed content from ours and other institutions. Learn more about how to use this powerful resource!
The Library no longer offers this class, but classes are available at the Knox County Public Library.
Prepared by Martha Earl for teaching specific internet resources for the health professional. Classes can be tailored to topic or professional group.
Join Cynthia Vaughn for Literature Searching for Research and learn how to review the professional literature in preparation for research.
Finding Quality Medical Sites. This class will cover how to use Internet subject directories and other search tools to find the best of the Internet for health practitioners and researchers.
Sign up for our class on MedlinePlus to learn more about this rich source of quality, consumer level information from the National Library of Medicine.
Many of Preston Medical Library's professional level subscription databases have mobile components. Learn how to access MDConsult, PubMed, Procedures Consult, and others on the go!
The Library no longer offers this class, but classes are available at the Knox County Public Library.
An orientation to all of the resources (electronic and print) that Preston Medical Library has to offer!
MEDLINE on the Internet. Learn how to get the most from the National Library of Medicine's premier free MEDLINE site. Visit PubMed or try the PubMed tutorial. Basic and Advanced classes are now offered.
This powerful science database not only provides access to the literature of science but also tracks researcher productivity and journal rankings. Learn more by signing up for Martha Earl's class.
The Library no longer offers this class, but classes are available at the Knox County Public Library.
For a complete list of classes and a schedule of date and times or to schedule a class or orientation, please email Martha Earl or call Martha at 305-6616.
1924 Alcoa Hwy
Knoxville, TN 37920
Phone: 865-305-9525
Fax: 865-305-9527
Text: 865-262-8920
24/7 Study Space Access
With validated UTGSM/UTMC badge
In conjunction with the Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee (H.A.B.I.T.), the library hosts canine assisted stress-reduction visits twice weekly on Mondays and Wednesday from noon-1:00 p.m.
The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine
1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 | 865-305-9290
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