The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville

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New UTGSM Dean Specializes in Clinical Research and Heart Failure Therapeutics

Today, the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine welcomes Paul J. Hauptman, MD, as the fourth Dean of the UT Graduate School of Medicine. He will also serve as Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer of The University of Tennessee Medical Center.

Dr. Hauptman has extensive experience in clinical research and medical education. He served in administration and clinical practice at Saint Louis University School of Medicine for 20 years. Most recently he held positions as Assistant Dean of Clinical and Translational Research, Professor of Internal Medicine at the SOM, and Director of the Heart Failure program at Saint Louis University Hospital. He served as an adjunct professor in the College for Public Health and Social Justice. In addition, Dr. Hauptman was director of SLU’s Clinical Trials Office, the regulatory authority for contracting, budgeting and invoicing of clinical trials. Prior to his tenure at SLU, Dr. Hauptman held faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School.

His research interests include outcomes assessment in cardiovascular disease and advanced heart failure, evaluation of care delivery, and clinical trials in congestive heart failure. He has garnered support through federal, foundation, and industry-sponsored research grants, including from the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association. He has also served as an expert panelist for the FDA and has authored over 145 papers in publications including JAMA and the New England Journal of Medicine.

The new Dean said his overriding vision is to find ways to expand upon current research initiatives, further enhancing the reputation of UTGSM and the medical center, while growing very specific areas of research excellence.

"We have a great opportunity to solidify that reputation and to make sure that for the next 10 or 20 years it’s even stronger," Dr. Hauptman said. "UTGSM is well known for its ability to educate third- and fourth-year medical students and train residents and fellows in postgraduate training programs. We certainly want to foster our standing in regards to medical education. Many clinical programs at the medical center have both an important local impact and a national reputation, and we want to make sure those thrive as well."

Dr. Hauptman will also continue in clinical practice, using his expertise in heart conditions, particularly heart failure and cardiomyopathy, to treat patients through the Heart Lung Vascular Institute. As heart disease is the leading cause of death in Tennessee, Dr. Hauptman's clinical care and focus in research are well matched to the needs of the region.

Dr. Hauptman has received numerous honors including the Teacher of the Year Award and the Caring Physician Award from SLU. He holds leadership positions in the Heart Failure Society of America and the Group on Research Advancement and Development of the Association of American Medical Colleges. In addition, Dr. Hauptman serves as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cardiac Failure, the flagship publication of the Heart Failure Society of America.

Posted October 1, 2018



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