The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville


Collaboration to Predict Mortality of ICU Patients Earns High National Rankings

Each year, PhysioNet and Computing in Cardiology (CinC) create a challenge to support scientific communication and collaboration between basic and clinical scientists. The competition in 2012 was "Predicting Mortality of ICU Patients," and a collaborative effort between Brian Daley,  MD, Professor, Surgery, UT Graduate School of Medicine; Henian Xia, PhD, and Xiaoping Zhao, PhD, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering, UT Knoxville; and Adam Petrie, Department of Statistics, Operations, and Management Science, UT Knoxville, generated a top echelon finish. A neural network was developed and trained on an empirical data with outcome set, and the competition among students was held to derive the best model for mortality prediction based on a new and blinded outcome ICU data set. Using clinical insight and expertise from the engineering perspective, a well-developed model was created, and its results are published in the Computing in Cardiology journal. The competition is one of the premier events focusing on computer applications in clinical cardiology and cardiovascular research.

PhysioNet is a diverse group of computer scientists, physicists, mathematicians, biomedical researchers, clinicians and educators from prestigious institutions including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School, Boston University and McGill University that work to characterize and understand the dynamics of human physiology and the implications of dynamical change in diagnosis and treatment of pathophysiology. CinC is an annual international conference that provides a forum for scientists and professionals in the fields of medicine, physics, engineering and computer science to discuss their current research.  The annual PhysioNet/CinC Challenge is one of the premier events focusing on computer applications in clinical cardiology and cardiovascular research.

February 27, 2013



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