The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville

The Department of Surgery

Shadowing Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in shadowing the Department of Surgery. Please review the following:

  1. Students must reach out to surgery physicians first for sponsorship prior to completing the online form. A physician contact is required for the application and will be verified.
  2. For a list of our surgery physicians please go here: Find A Doctor
    • Go to Specialty
    • Select from any of the Surgery specialties listed
    • Services currently not allowing shadowing: Trauma
  3. Once students have a physician sponsor contact, they can complete the online form:  University of Tennessee Outside Learner/Observer Experience Form
  4. Again, do not complete the form until you have a physician sponsor. Completing the online form without a sponsor does not guarantee shadowing. Participant must be in contact with the physician and their office directly.
  5. Once the shadowing rotation is approved by Human Resources, the student will need to schedule with HR for a badge.

Note: The observer form should be completed before beginning the educational experience and with each change of clinical area/sponsor. The above requirements are set forth by the University Hospital System. The Department of Surgery is only responsible for providing shadowing resources and not scheduling shadowing experiences. The Department of Surgery does not provide shadowing information for other departments. Providing these resources does not guarantee a shadowing experience. Physicians may use their own discretion and not allow shadowing in their clinical office.


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The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine
1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 | 865-305-9290

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