Anesthesiology is an exciting field of medical practice. Few other opportunities in medicine allows for such rapid clinical decisions, and often immediate results from your clinical interventions. It is a field mixed with stimulation and challenge of the intellect, as well as technical expertise for procedural skills. The ability to communicate with the patient and set them at ease is an integral role for the anesthesiologist, as patients present for a spectrum of minor to life threatening procedures.
An anesthesia residency program has the challenge of providing opportunities that enable a physician to acquire necessary medical knowledge, become proficient at technical procedures, and develop the interpersonal skills for communicating with colleagues and patients. As the sole Level-1 trauma center in Eastern Tennessee, The University of Tennessee Medical Center, our residents are provided with excellent and plentiful learning opportunities year-round. Within the first two years of clinical anesthesia, a resident can easily achieve nearly all of the required case numbers necessary for graduation. Pediatric experience At the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine (UTGSM) consists of pediatric cardiac, trauma, and neonatal surgery. The UTGSM experience is complemented with a two month rotation at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for pediatric anesthesia.
The faculty is dedicated to education. Resident feedback is acknowledged and reflected in the educational structure as it has evolved over the last several years into an excellent combination of clinical practice and didactics. Research opportunities abound, and dedicated research staff members are committed to bringing your ideas to reality. The camaraderie and collegiality among residents and faculty is exemplary. Some of our residents choose careers in private practice, while others have had no difficulty in obtaining excellent fellowship opportunities.
The Anesthesiology residency training program is a 4 year, categorical program, beginning with a Clinical Base Year. The Clinical Base Year emphasizes direct patient care responsibility and development of basic clinical skills necessary for success for virtually any clinical pathway.
Upon successful completion of the Clinical Base Year, residents are oriented to their 1st clinical anesthesia year with a gradual introduction to the specialty of Anesthesiology over a period of one month. Residents then begin basic rotations in clinical anesthesia before moving on to more advanced rotations and electives during the 2nd and 3rd clinical anesthesia years.
Graduates of this training program are confident, experienced and truly ready for whatever challenges they encounter in this field of medicine. Many continue their training in fellowships at other institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania, University of Washington, University of California-San Francisco, Vanderbilt, Emory and Duke. The rest enter private practice in the Southeast or scattered across the United States. Since the majority of the surgical staff at UTGSM are physicians in private practice, graduates are uniquely prepared to make the transition from residency training to private practice.
Lindsey Bell, Program Coordinator, 865-305-5687,
PJ Hoskins, M.Ed, Education Program Manager, 865-305-4642,
All applications to the program must be submitted using the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS) and the supplemental CentralApp.
Applications will be reviewed only when complete and must include:
-Personal statement
-At least three letters of recommendation
-USMLE or COMLEX scores
(A numerical USMLE Step 2/COMLEX 2 score is required if Step 1/COMLEX 1 was taken pass/fail)
-Medical school transcript
-Medical Student Performance Evaluation (a.k.a. “Dean’s Letter”)
Interviews are conducted October through December each year. Candidates selected for an interview will be notified via email.
At the University of Tennessee Center for Advanced Medical Simulation (UTCAMS), physicians, students, and other members of the healthcare team attain not only improvement in individual skills, but also learn and practice team skills that are essential for patient safety. This type of multi-faceted, orchestrated training improves critical thinking, decision making, and clinical techniques - all without imparting risk to a real patient. Discover how the UTCAMS is enhancing the learning of our anesthesiology residents and nurse anesthetists:
The University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine
1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 | 865-305-9290
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